Archive for January, 2011

Need for Strong Passwords


It has been some time since I posted to my Blog, but I thought this so important that I do so today.

A friend of mine is NOT in London and did NOT have their bags and passport stolen.  Their E-mail account was hacked so please ignore the recent message pleading for money.  Another friend was hacked in a similar manner a few months ago.

This should be taken as a wake-up call to all of you who may have simple passwords, like the name of your dog.  Avoid common words that are in the dictionary, mix it up with upper AND lower case letters — throw in a number or a special character like an @, # or $.

Use a memory aid, for example spelling “Lutheran” like this: 1uther@n, substituting a 1 for the L and the at-sign for the A. Another example would be spelling “Methodist” like this: meth0d!sT substituting a zero for the letter Oh and an exclamation point for the letter Eye and capitalizing the last letter rather than the first.

I have, however, violated my own recommendation to not use words from the dictionary.  They are given here only for illustrative purposes.  The more creative you are, the less likely you will be hacked.

See you later, I’m going to change my WordPress password right now!